Date: 1/12/2004


Prophet Mohammad was very fond of the cats and due to this most of the Muslims keep cat in their homes. Muslims are meat eaters and this adds to their likelihood of getting infected by toxo.

As toxo is now seen as a parasite that alters the mind and make the infected person do suicidal acts which a normal person will avoid, this infection could be a major reason why more and more Muslims are now suicidal bombers. This could also explain why the studies of Muslim suicide bombers did not reveal any common cause for such barbaric acts in which mostly innocents are killed. The tendency by Muslims to carry out suicide bombings is the result of the teaching of the Quran and due to the infection of their brain by the parasite Toxo, that this condition is now being called as "Mohammad Syndrome". Added to the Mohammad syndrome, the Quran provides the necessary kick start for the suicide bombing act. The Jaish-e-Mohammad's leader, Maulana Masood Azhar, says that Allah has asked the Prophet Mohammad and Muslims to take up swords and other weapons, go to the battlefield and cleanse the world of the non-muslims by jihad. There is no greater cause than jihad and the only solution for global peace is jihad. His followers are ready to sacrifice their lives for jihad. The suicide attacks are absolutely in accordance with Islam.

In fact, a suicide attack is the best form of jihad. The true face of Islam is revealed in the Koranic verses calling Muslims to "Jihad," which means holy war against all non-Muslims. It is not true that peace is the main characteristic of the faith of Islam.

The verses in the Koran, is the root of violence. The Prophet Mohammad urges Muslims to fight (Surat Al-Anfal 8:65), (Surat A1- Baqarah 2:216). The Koran commands Muslims not to befriend non Muslims (Surat AI-Maidah 5:51). Non Muslims to pay Jizyah tax (Surah at-Taubah 9:29). Kill all non Muslims (Surat AI-Baqara 2:193), (Surat AI-Anfal 8:39)

Muslims divide the world into two camps, Dar Al-Harb' (Camp of war) where non Muslims live, and Dar AI-Sallam (Camp of peace) where Muslims live. They believe that Holy war against those who live in the camp of war should continue until they are exterminated. Muslims dream of a global Islamic empire. The Koran declares that Muslims who fight and die in battle are promised forgiveness and a sexual luxurious life in Paradise. (Surat AI-lmran 3:157), (Surat at-Taubah 9:111). What can martyrs who are nothing but murderers expect in paradise? The Koran describes life in paradise as Eat and drink with happiness, young full-breasted virgins of equal age and a full cup of wine (Surat at-Tur 52:17-20, 22), (Surat AI-Waqiah 56:31-37), (Surat an-Naba 78:32-34).

Suicide attack and its reasons were studied by researchers in detail. Yet they could not identify all the reasons that will prompt such inhuman acts. Teachings in the Quran are one major reason identified for the suicide bombers. Suicide attack is an ancient practice. Its use by the Islamic Order of Assassins during the early Crusader times is well known. The first major contemporary suicide terrorist attack was the December 1981 destruction of the Iraqi embassy in Beirut in which 27 dead and more than 100 injured. The October 1983 truck-bomb killed nearly 300 American and French servicemen. Palestine suicide terrorism began in 1992, by the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) which established guidelines for human bombs saying that Allah had ordered the killing of non-muslims.

Since then thousands of suicide bombers were carried out their final act and killed thousands on non Muslims including children and pregnant women in cold blood. The Muslim terrorists are not jobless, fatherless or friendless persons but are well educated and come from middle class families.

More education translates into greater exposure to terrorist propaganda as seen in Pakistan. Literacy and dislike for the United States increased as the number of religious madarsa schools increased from 3000 to 39,000 since 1978. Lessening poverty actually increase the suicide terrorism. Mohammad Hafiz who was a professor at the University of Lahore was a former chief of the Lashkar-e-Toiba (the army of the pure). He masterminded around 200 suicide attacks that killed hundreds of Hindus in Kashmir. Most of the suicide bombers studied Quran as in the case of 39 recruits of the Pakistani-based ally of Al-Qaeda, the terrorist organization the Harkat al-Ansar.

Recruitment of suicide bombers was from mosques, schools, refugee camps and they are readied by intense religious indoctrination and logistical training. Suicide bombers are expendable assets whose losses generate more assets by expanding public support and pools of potential recruits.

The Koran's verse which is religious gasoline ignites the evil in the minds of Muslims. Nineteen educated Muslims committed suicide and killed thousands of innocent men, women and children in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon. Suicide terrorists and their supporters are educated, have graduate degrees and come from high-status families, and are often recruited and financed through mosques The nineteen Muslims did that because of their deep conviction that they will go directly to paradise to enjoy sensual pleasures, and because of their terrible hatred for non muslims. Mohammad Atta, who flew the first plane into the World Trade Center, was a devout Muslim who lived and moved easily in Western society while secretly hating it. He was a man on a mission and on the front of his thesis, presented in October 1999, he wrote the following verse from the Koran: "My Prayer and my sacrifice and my life and my death belong to Allah, the Lord of the worlds". He was born in Egypt to a lawyer and was a highly intelligent person who communicated with ease with children, old men, professors and people in government. As a student in Germany he was known to be quiet and very religious. Atta regularly prayed on the floor of his office and founded an Islamic prayer and study group at the University in January 1999. Shortly after 9/11, an intelligence survey of educated Saudis of 25 to 41 age, concluded that 95% supported Al-aeda. Findings indicate that populations supporting terrorist actions are actually disposed favorably to democratic forms of government, education, economy and personal liberty. With the brain condition due to Mohammad syndrome, and conditioned by Quran, other more dangerous Mohammad Attas may quietly be living amongst us in every nation.



The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) first appeared in Guangdong in China about a year back, spread very fast globally, killing around 800 persons and infecting 8000 before it was brought under control. Yet again this year China confirmed one case of SARS in Guangdong. Research has shown that a corona virus gene sample of the patient was found to be similar to the genetic structure of that obtained in Civet Cat. Hence China has started killing some 10,000 civet cats to stamp out SARS.

This brings to the attention of another parasite living in the brain of the cats which infects the humans. A parasite known as Toxoplasma gondii or in short toxo infects more than 30% of the human population. The parasite infects the human brain, but is thought to be of not very serious consequences. But toxo is dangerous to pregnant women and people with a weakened immune system. The parasite can cross the placenta of pregnant women and trigger a miscarriage or damage the baby's brain. This infection is more prevalent among those who eat meat, and those who keep cat as a pet.

Recent studies have indicated a yet unknown aspect of this brain infection, which makes the victim do things in a suicidal manner based on the studies on infected mouse and rats. Toxoplasma gondii or toxo can sexually reproduce only in cats. The parasite releases eggs that are spread in cat faeces, and if these end up in moist soil they can remain infective for 18 months. Rat and mouse are intermediate hosts and they might pick up the infection from the contaminated soil. When the cat kills and eats the rats the life cycle continues. Toxo can infect humans due to handling of cat or from meat eating. Recent studies show that toxo is a mind altering beast. The parasites lie low in the brain and exert a subtle form of mind control.

A healthy uninfected rat does a vanishing trick at the faintest feline whiff, and moves away from the cat urine as it knows it is danger to be around. But rats infected with the parasite in its brain, are seen attracted to cat urine. This suicidal tendency makes the rat a positive meal of the cat which is exactly what the parasite toxo wants. After all the parasite needs to infect a cat to complete its life cycle and spread its genes. In infected rats the parasite calls the shots. Rat and human brains are very similar and are run by the same collection of chemicals. Studies on toxo positive subjects have shown that they are 2.7 times more likely to be involved in car accidents. Toxo infection also seen to be triggering some form of schizophrenia.

Studies have also shown that schizophrenics are more likely to be cat owners. The toxo positive humans have a higher level of suicidal tendencies.

Prophet Mohammad was very fond of the cats and due to this most of the Muslims keep cat in their homes. Muslims are meat eaters and this adds to their likelihood of getting infected by toxo. As toxo is now seen as a parasite that alters the mind and make the infected person do suicidal acts which a normal person will avoid, this infection could be a major reason why more and more Muslims are now suicidal bombers. This could also explain why the studies of Muslim suicide bombers did not reveal any common cause for such barbaric acts in which mostly innocents are killed. The tendency by Muslims to carry out suicide bombings is the result of the teaching of the Quran and due to the infection of their brain by the parasite Toxo, that this condition is now being called as "Mohammad Syndrome".

Added to the Mohammad syndrome, the Quran provides the necessary kick start for the suicide bombing act. The Jaish-e-Mohammad's leader, Maulana Masood Azhar, says that Allah has asked the Prophet Mohammad and Muslims to take up swords and other weapons, go to the battlefield and cleanse the world of the non-muslims by jihad. There is no greater cause than jihad and the only solution for global peace is jihad. His followers are ready to sacrifice their lives for jihad. The suicide attacks are absolutely in accordance with Islam.

In fact, a suicide attack is the best form of jihad. The true face of Islam is revealed in the Koranic verses calling Muslims to "Jihad," which means holy war against all non-Muslims. It is not true that peace is the main characteristic of the faith of Islam.

The verses in the Koran, is the root of violence. The Prophet Mohammad urges Muslims to fight (Surat Al-Anfal 8:65), (Surat A1- Baqarah 2:216). The Koran commands Muslims not to befriend non Muslims (Surat AI-Maidah 5:51). Non Muslims to pay Jizyah tax (Surah at-Taubah 9:29). Kill all non Muslims (Surat AI-Baqara 2:193), (Surat AI-Anfal 8:39)

Muslims divide the world into two camps, Dar Al-Harb' (Camp of war) where non Muslims live, and Dar AI-Sallam (Camp of peace) where Muslims live. They believe that Holy war against those who live in the camp of war should continue until they are exterminated. Muslims dream of a global Islamic empire. The Koran declares that Muslims who fight and die in battle are promised forgiveness and a sexual luxurious life in Paradise. (Surat AI-lmran 3:157), (Surat at-Taubah 9:111). What can martyrs who are nothing but murderers expect in paradise? The Koran describes life in paradise as Eat and drink with happiness, young full-breasted virgins of equal age and a full cup of wine (Surat at-Tur 52:17-20, 22), (Surat AI-Waqiah 56:31-37), (Surat an-Naba 78:32-34).

Suicide attack and its reasons were studied by researchers in detail. Yet they could not identify all the reasons that will prompt such inhuman acts. Teachings in the Quran are one major reason identified for the suicide bombers. Suicide attack is an ancient practice. Its use by the Islamic Order of Assassins during the early Crusader times is well known. The first major contemporary suicide terrorist attack was the December 1981 destruction of the Iraqi embassy in Beirut in which 27 dead and more than 100 injured. The October 1983 truck-bomb killed nearly 300 American and French servicemen. Palestine suicide terrorism began in 1992, by the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) which established guidelines for human bombs saying that Allah had ordered the killing of non-muslims.

Since then thousands of suicide bombers were carried out their final act and killed thousands on non Muslims including children and pregnant women in cold blood.

The Muslim terrorists are not jobless, fatherless or friendless persons but are well educated and come from middle class families. More education translates into greater exposure to terrorist propaganda as seen in Pakistan. Literacy and dislike for the United States increased as the number of religious madarsa schools increased from 3000 to 39,000 since 1978. Lessening poverty actually increase the suicide terrorism. Mohammad Hafiz who was a professor at the University of Lahore was a former chief of the Lashkar-e-Toiba (the army of the pure). He masterminded around 200 suicide attacks that killed hundreds of Hindus in Kashmir. Most of the suicide bombers studied Quran as in the case of 39 recruits of the Pakistani-based ally of Al-Qaeda, the terrorist organization the Harkat al-Ansar.

Recruitment of suicide bombers was from mosques, schools, refugee camps and they are readied by intense religious indoctrination and logistical training. Suicide bombers are expendable assets whose losses generate more assets by expanding public support and pools of potential recruits.

The Koran's verse which is religious gasoline ignites the evil in the minds of Muslims. Nineteen educated Muslims committed suicide and killed thousands of innocent men, women and children in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon. Suicide terrorists and their supporters are educated, have graduate degrees and come from high-status families, and are often recruited and financed through mosques The nineteen Muslims did that because of their deep conviction that they will go directly to paradise to enjoy sensual pleasures, and because of their terrible hatred for non muslims. Mohammad Atta, who flew the first plane into the World Trade Center, was a devout Muslim who lived and moved easily in Western society while secretly hating it. He was a man on a mission and on the front of his thesis, presented in October 1999, he wrote the following verse from the Koran: "My Prayer and my sacrifice and my life and my death belong to Allah, the Lord of the worlds". He was born in Egypt to a lawyer and was a highly intelligent person who communicated with ease with children, old men, professors and people in government. As a student in Germany he was known to be quiet and very religious. Atta regularly prayed on the floor of his office and founded an Islamic prayer and study group at the University in January 1999. Shortly after 9/11, an intelligence survey of educated Saudis of 25 to 41 age, concluded that 95% supported Al-Qaeda. Findings indicate that populations supporting terrorist actions are actually disposed favorably to democratic forms of government, education, economy and personal liberty. With the brain condition due to Mohammad syndrome, and conditioned by Quran, other more dangerous Mohammad Attas may quietly be living amongst us in every nation.


