Date: 3/14/2005


India Under Siege

BY: Prem N. Chopra

A close look at the overhaul happenings in the different parts of the country blatantly reveal that India is today under siege both inside and outside. While many ferocious separatists’ forces are working inside to paralyze the process of democracy, outside neighboring countries like, Pakistan, Bangladesh and China are conspiring to bleed and disintegrate India.

Pakistan has been one which has a blue-print since 1989 to consistently target India with a proxy war across the borders. Encouraged by the complacent and pusillanimous attitude of the Indian government, Pakistan started targeting Jammu also besides the valley in 90s. Today Jammu has become equally part of insurgency. Thus Pakistan is penetrating into the whole of the State of Jammu and Kashmir to disrupt its equanimity and stability.

The subsequent Indian governments have failed to stem constant Pak-sponsored attacks on military camps as well as on civilian population. NDA failed to retaliate. Similarly UPA government is also caving in to this terrorists’ menace which is gradually eating the vitals of the country.

On the other hand, the ISI has successfully established strong contacts with the extremists’ of Bangladesh and has been successful in opening and operating terrorists’ training camps in various border and other locations in that country to harass and bleed the north eastern part of India.

The mass infiltration from Bangladesh into Assam has already outnumbered the natives causing intense commotion amongst the locals. Many Jihadi organizations have sprung up there to destabilize the whole region posing grave threat to the security of the country. Further, many madrasas have been opened near the border to facilitate the infiltration of terrorists into the region.

The turmoil in Nepal is the most recent happening. The Maoists forces inspired by China have been waging a determined war to destabilize that country and create anarchy there. They demand replacing of monarchy, breaking of all relations with India and drafting of a new constitution to establish a communist government over there.

Unfortunately, the government of India never prepared a blueprint or a roadmap about the future of this impoverished Hindu nation. There was no strategy to defeat the Maosits’ movement started in1996. The light-hearted support it gave to Nepal has proved unequal as the Maoists are getting logistic support as well as arms supplies from Chinese. Just as ISI is providing training and arms to terrorists across the border, similarly Chinese hierarchy is supporting the Maoists’ movement.

Further, the Naxalite movement which is targeting nine states is posing a grave threat to the security of the country. Its rising tide is most conspicuous in the State of Andhra Pradesh. On Oct 1, 2003, it made a daring attempt on the life of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu who escaped narrowly.

Naxalites claim to be waging a war for landless laborers and tribal people, Adavasis , Dalits and the poorests, who are deprived of any share of development in the electoral process. In fact, because of their terrorist activities Naxalites are evidently oppressing people in the name of a class war.

The Communist Party of India (Marxists-Leninists) is the political outfit, which provides Naxalites the ideology to wage this violent struggle against the elected governments of the country. The People’s War group is the main outfit which is believed to be behind attempt on the life of Naidu.

The People’s War is active mainly in Andhra Pradesh, Western Orissa and Eastern Maharashtra while the Maoists Communists are active in Bihar, Jharkhand and Northern Chhatisgargh.

Maoists, as they are rampaging into Nepal are also spreading into the neighboring states of India, posing a grave threat to the security of the country.

The soft-open-borders between India and Nepal have been providing safe heavens to the guerillas to infiltrate into India and advance and perpetuate their dangerous activities. Surprisingly, the government of India never took notice of this serious lacuna and made no attempt to introduce any visa or at least permit to check the activities of the insurgents.

India, USA and Britain have been offering economic aid to impoverished Nepal and have also been training the military personnel. However, both Britain and US want India today to play a leading role in resolving the present volatile situation as Nepal is a checkpoint for influx of Maoists into India. Once Nepal is taken over by the communists, the hordes of Maoists shall rampage into India.

Nehru rightly emphasized in 1950 in Parliament, “Our interest in internal condition of Nepal becomes still more acute and personal, if I may say so, because of developments across our borders.” But the subsequent governments of India never heeded to this advice leading to the present dangerous state of affairs.

In fact, the national leadership is today more concerned in ensuring the safety of their seat of power rather than concentrate on preparing a roadmap or strategy to foil the conspiracies of some neighboring countries and the inside separatists forces to destroy the stability and integrity of the country.

The siege of India inside and outside is daily tightening its noose to strangle the country. It is time national forces of all hues and shades join together to frame an aggressive strategy to crush the enemies of the country before it is too late.

Prem N. Chopra is a political commentator based in New York. He is author of recently published book, “India At The Cross-roads.”


Forwarded Message:

Subj:India Under Siege

Date:3/14/2005 10:59:03 AM Eastern Standard Time

...................India Under Siege

BY: Prem N. Chopra

A close look at the overhaul happenings in the different parts of the country blatantly reveal that India is today under siege both inside and outside. While many ferocious separatists’ forces are working inside to paralyze the process of democracy, outside neighboring countries like, Pakistan, Bangladesh and China are conspiring to bleed and disintegrate India.

Pakistan has been one which has a blue-print since 1989 to consistently target India with a proxy war across the borders. Encouraged by the complacent and pusillanimous attitude of the Indian government, Pakistan started targeting Jammu also besides the valley in 90s. Today Jammu has become equally part of insurgency. Thus Pakistan is penetrating into the whole of the State of Jammu and Kashmir to disrupt its equanimity and stability.

The subsequent Indian governments have failed to stem constant Pak-sponsored attacks on military camps as well as on civilian population. NDA failed to retaliate. Similarly UPA government is also caving in to this terrorists’ menace which is gradually eating the vitals of the country.

On the other hand, the ISI has successfully established strong contacts with the extremists’ of Bangladesh and has been successful in opening and operating terrorists’ training camps in various border and other locations in that country to harass and bleed the north eastern part of India.

The mass infiltration from Bangladesh into Assam has already outnumbered the natives causing intense commotion amongst the locals. Many Jihadi organizations have sprung up there to destabilize the whole region posing grave threat to the security of the country. Further, many madrasas have been opened near the border to facilitate the infiltration of terrorists into the region.

The turmoil in Nepal is the most recent happening. The Maoists forces inspired by China have been waging a determined war to destabilize that country and create anarchy there. They demand replacing of monarchy, breaking of all relations with India and drafting of a new constitution to establish a communist government over there.

Unfortunately, the government of India never prepared a blueprint or a roadmap about the future of this impoverished Hindu nation. There was no strategy to defeat the Maosits’ movement started in1996. The light-hearted support it gave to Nepal has proved unequal as the Maoists are getting logistic support as well as arms supplies from Chinese. Just as ISI is providing training and arms to terrorists across the border, similarly Chinese hierarchy is supporting the Maoists’ movement.

Further, the Naxalite movement which is targeting nine states is posing a grave threat to the security of the country. Its rising tide is most conspicuous in the State of Andhra Pradesh. On Oct 1, 2003, it made a daring attempt on the life of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu who escaped narrowly.

Naxalites claim to be waging a war for landless laborers and tribal people, Adavasis , Dalits and the poorests, who are deprived of any share of development in the electoral process. In fact, because of their terrorist activities Naxalites are evidently oppressing people in the name of a class war.

The Communist Party of India (Marxists-Leninists) is the political outfit, which provides Naxalites the ideology to wage this violent struggle against the elected governments of the country. The People’s War group is the main outfit which is believed to be behind attempt on the life of Naidu.

The People’s War is active mainly in Andhra Pradesh, Western Orissa and Eastern Maharashtra while the Maoists Communists are active in Bihar, Jharkhand and Northern Chhatisgargh.

Maoists, as they are rampaging into Nepal are also spreading into the neighboring states of India, posing a grave threat to the security of the country.

The soft-open-borders between India and Nepal have been providing safe heavens to the guerillas to infiltrate into India and advance and perpetuate their dangerous activities. Surprisingly, the government of India never took notice of this serious lacuna and made no attempt to introduce any visa or at least permit to check the activities of the insurgents.

India, USA and Britain have been offering economic aid to impoverished Nepal and have also been training the military personnel. However, both Britain and US want India today to play a leading role in resolving the present volatile situation as Nepal is a checkpoint for influx of Maoists into India. Once Nepal is taken over by the communists, the hordes of Maoists shall rampage into India.

Nehru rightly emphasized in 1950 in Parliament, “Our interest in internal condition of Nepal becomes still more acute and personal, if I may say so, because of developments across our borders.” But the subsequent governments of India never heeded to this advice leading to the present dangerous state of affairs.

In fact, the national leadership is today more concerned in ensuring the safety of their seat of power rather than concentrate on preparing a roadmap or strategy to foil the conspiracies of some neighboring countries and the inside separatists forces to destroy the stability and integrity of the country.

The siege of India inside and outside is daily tightening its noose to strangle the country. It is time national forces of all hues and shades join together to frame an aggressive strategy to crush the enemies of the country before it is too late.

Prem N. Chopra is a political commentator based in New York. He is author of recently published book, “India At The Cross-roads.”

