Date: 5/30/2005


Further to all these (PLEASE SEE PREVIOUS POSTING, "GREAT THAW IS ABOUT TO BEGIN"), J.L.Nehru gave part of [1] West Bengal called Berubariin 1961 to East Pakistan. and lost [2] Thousands of square miles to Chiana along northern border from Laddakh to Assam. [3] Indira Gandhi gave an Island in Indian ocean to ShriLanka, this Island is called KACCHATIVU. [4] Narsingharao gave part of West Bengal to Bangladesh called TEEN BIGHA. [5] L al bahadur Shastri lost Part of Gujarat called RUNN OF KACCHA AND pARTOF JAMMU AND KSHMIR called HAJI PIR AFTER 1965 WAR BECAUSE HE AGREED FOR TRIBUNAL. The boundary of a country can not be decided by tribunals, lectures in the U.N.O. but by force and use of force. This must be noted that Nehru lost Tibet to Chiana where our military was present but Hindi chini Bhai Bhai slogan was a blunder by coward, impotent J.L. Nehru. I hope a day will soon come to uproot the graves of Nehru and his Godfather Duratma M.K.Gandhi. (WELL SAID, PATRIOT. WE ARE SURE IT WILL HAPPEN WHAT YOU WRITE!) .........................000000000
