Date: 5/30/2005


>This is a must for all to read how to defeat Islam . A Muslim women. > >­ed/sina50529.htm > >[Ali Sina replies to a Muslim woman. Read the whole article.] > >So, you want to know why I resort to tactics such as ridiculing >Muslims. > >This is a war. I want to defeat Islam. Unlike most people who donąt know their enemy, I know my enemy very well. My enemy is an ideology not a people. However, an ideology if not believed and practiced by people is harmless. The danger comes from people who follow evil ideologies. Aztecs believed in human sacrifice and butchered many people. But since no one believes or practices that ideology, their ideology is not hurting anyone. Islam is an ideology of hate and war, but unfortunately over a billion people still believe in it and practice it. > >I have proven that Islam is dangerous and if not defeated it will cause another world war in which hundreds of millions could die and billions >would suffer terribly. The question is how we fight Islam. > >Islam is not a doctrine based on logics, commonsense or reasoning. It >is based on hypes and bravado. Muslims are triumphalists. Islam is a >religion of idiocy. Its followers pride themselves in their blind >faith. It is a fideistic religion, where faith is valued more than >rational thought. In fact rational thought is despised and blind faith >is praised. This can be easily seen from the statements of al-Gazali >(1058 ­ 1111) who said: łWhere the claims of reason come into conflict >with revelation, reason must yield to revelation.˛ and even Jalaleddin >Rumi who said. > >The legs of the rationalists is made of wood > The wooden leg is draggy and it's no good. > >How do you fight with people who despise reason and pride themselves in >their irrational faith? > >I am a rationalist. A rationalistąs biggest weapon is reason. But when >our opponent mocks reason, our weapon has no effect on him. He is >basically disarming us. > >Let us take a look at your own self. You come to this forum and pick >the nickname łMasked Muslimah˛. Why? It is obviously out of bravado. >Do you have any logical and rational argument in favor of women >covering themselves and wearing masks? No! There isnąt any logical >argument in favor of women wearing hijab, let alone wearing mask. You >do that out of bravado. It is a pack mentality. With this you want to >make a political statement. You want to rub it in our face that you >are a Muslim and no matter how much logics we throw at you, it has not >effect on you. In fact a typical reaction of Muslims after reading a >few pages of this site is, łThank you, after I read your site my faith >in Islam grew˛. Now think about it. How can oneąs faith grow after >coming to learn that the man whom he or she thinks is a prophet raped >innocent women, raided civilians without warning, butchered unarmed >people, massacred defenseless handcuffed prisoners of war, enslaved >thousands, ransomed people for money or threatened to behead them, >plundered, had sex with a child and other shameful and despicable acts? >It defies logic. Doesnąt it? It is inconceivable that any rational and >decent person would want to follow such a monster. Nonetheless, most >Muslims, claim their faith grew after they read these things. > >Has anyone proven these charges are wrong? I have a $50,000 dollar >reward and the promise to remove this site should anyone prove them >wrong. You can read my debates with Muslim scholars in the debates >page. As it is clear, no one has proven me wrong on these charges. So >why people say after coming to learn all these crimes of Muhammad their >faith in him grew more? It is out of bravado. It is an act of defiance. >It is a defense mechanism. They lock themselves in their shell. They >say you canąt hurt us. You can do noting to us. We are going to remain >Muslims no matter what. We put our fingers in our ears and sing lala >lala la la and we wonąt hear you. In fact since you said these things >we are going to become more dedicated Muslims and wear niqab from now >on. You see? Your logic has no effect on us. On contraire, it has >fired back and now we are even more devout Muslims than before. Hah! >You lose, we win. > >How can this be explained? > >Muslims gang up together, they hail each other, and act with >hooliganism. In Islam brainless devotion is praised, believing blindly >is lauded. Questioning and doubting, that are faculties of superior >humans capable of rational thought are disdained. The arguments that >they present in favor of Islam are all logical fallacies. Here is a >sample: > € >Islam is the fastest growing religion. > € >Muslims procreate faster and in 50 years we take over the Europe . > € >This and that celebrity have embraced Islam, alhamdulillah. > € >The fact that Muhammad was victories over in his wars is proof of his >truth. > >And also they say blatant lies such as. > € >Quran contains numerical miracles > € >Quran contains scientific miracles > € >Hadith and Sira may not be true so let us close our eyes to all the >crimes of Muhammad reported in these books. > € >Ah, but this is not true Islam. > >How shall we deal with such people? > >When reason has no effect on Muslims, we are completely disarmed. > >Muslims are bent to take over the world through deceptive strategies. >One group of them commits all sorts of crimes against humanity and the >other group, says: Ah! but these are not true Muslims. Everything is >just a game - a game of deception! One group quotes the Quran to cause >mayhem and the other group says these are misguided. If anyone says >any thing against Islam the entire Muslim world enters in a state of >frenzied mass hysteria, and lives are destroyed everywhere and they >demand apologies from everyone. > >Islam is based on stupidity, not on reason. It is psychopathology. >Muhammad was a psychopath. We have a billion people emulating a >psychopath. How shall we deal with these people? > >Leaving them alone is not an option. Islam is evil and as Edmund Burke >said, łThe only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good >men to do nothing." We canąt let Muslims destroy our world. We must >stop them. > >There are a couple of ways to do that. One is through logical >arguments. In this site we have done our best to prove Islam is false >with logics. However, as I said, Muslims deride logics. > >The other alternative is to kill them preemptively. Killing a billion >people does not sound very good. They are brainless idiots, but >nonetheless you donąt kill even idiots. Of course if an insane man >starts shooting innocent people at random, we have no other option but >to take him down. This might actually happen. It is very likely that >Muslims take hold of nuclear bombs, detonate it in a few Western >countries kill hundreds of millions of innocent people, and in a quick >response the entire Muslim world go up in flames and all the Muslims in >the West become slaughtered like chicken. This is the real scenario. >This is the scenario that actually will happen by default unless we >mange to change the course of history. > >This is a very bleak future. This is where mankind is heading. Only >Muslims are responsible for that ­ not anyone else. We are dealing >with a billion zombies. There is no rationality, there is no >commonsense. It is stupidity over stupidity. The more stupid you are >the better Muslim you are. The allegedly łgood˛ Muslims are the liars, >the deniers, the hypocrites. These hypocrites wear a mask of >moderation and claim Islam is a religion of peace. łOh brother you >donąt know Islam, Islam means peace. You must find the original Quran >that the Saudis have hidden somewhere and donąt allow anyone to see. >If you donąt know Arabic you canąt understand the Quran, all the two >dozen translations of the Quran are corrupt. Arabic cannot be >translated into any other language. All ahadith are false, all the >history of Muhammad depicting him as a tyrant monster are forged by >Jews. Islam is much like hippies during the sixties. It is all about >love and peace and flowers.˛ > >I am sick of it. And they have the chutzpa to come to me to tell me >these lies as if I am a gullible westerner who does not know anything >about Islam. Damn it! I am the descendant of that mad man of Mecca >who started all this insanity. My ancestors were Sheikhs and Mullahs as >long as we have the record of them. They were themselves deceived and >deceived others with their ignorance. Donąt come to me with these >foolish tales. Go and tell your lies to gullible Western Media . I >donąt need you to explain Islam for me. I used to say these lies >myself. Keep your game playing and taqiyyah for someone who does not >know Islam. > >So what shall we do? Logic has no effect on Muslims. Doing nothing >means destruction of mankind. It seems we are in an impasse. > >Humiliate them. This is my response. Lower yourself to the level of >your opponent and speak to him in a language that he understands. He >is full of bravado and vain glory. Mock him. Make him look stupid. >Deride at him. Disgrace him. Destroy his pride. Make him look like the >scum of the Earth. Make him the butt of the jokes. Laugh at him and at >his stupidity. This is good for him. This is his remedy. The idea is to >jolt him to reality. This is bitter medicine, but it wontą kill him. If >you donąt, you will have to kill him later. > >When a young woman wears hijab, or niqab, she is applauded by her >peers. łMashallah, you are so great! Everyone must look at you and >follow your example. Well done sister.˛ She is pampered, her ego is >inflated, and she feels rewarded. The stupidity of the act eludes her >completely. She is willing to suffer in the scorching heat of summer >to prove to her peers that she is a great Muslima and receive their >admiration. She walks in the street and people pay attention to her >because she looks odd. All this attention ... >read more » > > .........................000000000
