Date: 2/7/2006


In a message dated 07/02/2006 07:49:54 GMT Standard Time, the_XXXXXXXXXXXX writes:///// The entire world, both Muslims and non-Muslims claim that the terrorists have hijacked "the religion of peace" and Islam does not condone violence. ///// Who is right?///// =================///// To your question, Who is right? The answer is clear like sunshine but we have no eyes to see nor guts to speak out the Truth and Fact. ///// Let us answer the following SIMPLE questions and GET THE ANSWERS. ///// Is TRISHUL flying over Mecca or Islamic flag over OUR OWN city called LAHORE that was founded by LUV, the son of Sri Rama, but surrendered unconditionally by a terrified India to the DEVILS in 1947? ///// Were the Daughters of Hindustan, KARACHI and PESHAWAR, abducted, raped and CONVERTED by any Hindu fundamentalist army or the savager "DEVILS", praying in Arabic?///// Which religion has fanatics, "JAAHILS", killers and "BEASTS" by the million who shout, "DEATH to those who insult our Prophet?" ///// What kind of a Prophet was he? Was he like Gandhi or Guru Nanak who preached UNIVERSAL love and tolerance?///// Did Mohammed (PEACE BE UPON HIS VICTIMS) preach Love of Kafirs, or DEATH TO KAFIRS? ///// The followers of which DEVIL broke up our AKHAND BHARAT of peace, secularism and universal love into three fragments and then terrified the gentle Hindus to go under a treacherous and bogus Constitution that does not mention PARTITION or reunification or even EXPULSION of the ENEMY? ///// Which DEVIL set an example to his followers to Kill the Kafirs, abduct, rape and CONVERT their daughters, even small girls, and occupy their TERRITORY and shamelessly fly his own ISLAMIC flag upon it, savagely disregarding the feelings and sentiments of all the NON Muslims?///// Followers of which "DEVIL" destroyed the temples across the world, especially in Bharat? Did the Hindus or the Buddhists, even the JEWS, go out to occupy Arabia to destroy the mosques there and kill and convert the natives? ///// Which DEVIL has terrified the free world to the extent that we cannot even ask these questions in the open?///// Should we not curse and ABUSE that man of violence and vulgarity, the POEDOPHILE, profusely?///// Which devil calls any bit of Hindustan ISLAMIC? HOW DARE HE? ///// Which devil wants to take away the right of entire mankind to THINK and QUESTION?///// ISLAMIC terrorism against HINDUS is being ignored because the Hindus are ignoring the TERRORISTS who terrorise us into submission even in Ayodhya and Sri Nankana Sahib. The Constitution of a terrified (BROKEN) BHARAT does not mention PARTITION of India nor the HIGH TREASON of indigenous MOHAMMEDANS? ///// The DEVIL does not want to see a Hindu in Mecca but spawns his own POISONOUS offspring like mushrooms in PARTITIONED India. From 30 million in the year of partition, they are over 100 million now.///// Yes, stand up with courage, O' intimidated, humiliated, terrified and defeated mankind. BUY DANISH. EXTERMINATE OR EXPEL MOHAMMEDS from your midst and have peace and enjoy prosperity. ///// DEMAND what is YOURS that was taken by force by the bullies, rapists, murderers and "JAAHILS", including North Kashmir. ///// Rise to remove the provocative and obscene ISLAMIC flags from Khyber and Chittagong, and those of the treacherous breakaway rebellious ISLAMIC republics of Pakistan and BOGUSdesh flying near ABDUL KALAM'S "Rashtrapati Bhawan" in New Delhi. ///// Chase them back to MECCA, the HOLE from which they emerged, led by sword wielding MOHAMMED, as depicted by the Danish cartoonist. ///// Such cartoons ought to have been published by all the HINDU editors on August 15, 1947, when daughters of India were abducted by force and raped, over 15 million Hindus were forced out of their homes, and one third of INDIAN territory was occupied by the DEVILS instigated by MOHAMMED, without regret, apology, referendum or shame. ///// What about a "FATWA" against the "DEVIL"? What a killer cat he must be that the entire FREE world cannot "bell" it or chase the beast out of occupied HIndusthan? ///// 000000000
