Date: 3/19/2006


PRAGMATISM FOR THE DEFEATED NATION MEANS TO LIVE WITH DEFEAT AND DISGRACE FOR EVER AND APPEASE THE MOHAMMEDANS. /////// The partition of the nation was a hell hole for many families who migrated from the continent.Jinnah was smart, stayed out of jail and organised his party. while Gandhi Nehru group felt superior and went to jail and gained nothing.None of them new world history or economics. India would have got freedom even if these leasers didnot exist as British were already bankfupt after 2nd ww. USA had bankrolled them after first WW and that is why India was granted local assemblies. We have tried not toface the facts that it was econmic conditions which forced the British out and not Gandhi Neheru gang.We alos forget that it was Gandhi folley that he didnot accpt transer of population as he was not touch with reality.I call it Gandhi Jinnah Gang who have blood on their hands of millions and yet we worship and call father of nation. It was Nehru who was cause 0of bloodshe in 1946 when direct Action was called.I recall the call of muslims Ladke laige Pakistan Mur ke laingey Pakistn. I have seen the bloodshed and am a refugee and know the sufferings.////// India was partitioned but niether every muslim was in favour nor everyone moved to Pakistan. They have lived iunb India and have scrificed with others in wars with Pakistan. Few bad boys have ruined their loyality but when Hindu leaders like Advani go around questioning their loyality, it is time to dethown such narrow minded person for his own glory. BJP couldnot make itself a national party as it had already blood of indians on both hands with jamamasjid and riots and killing. Advani rath yatras were for such mahem. ///// we need leaders who are patriotic and for the nation. the relifgion factor should be left out as India is a securlar country and not a Hindu Nation. we must see to it the UNIFORM CODE BILL is passed so we can putaside the vote banks. Uniform Code Bill makes everyone equal thus no reservations of any kind. ///// Time is ripe to start getting togather with all minorities and sit down and dicuss openly their grudged and harsh feelings and such dicussions should be free of biasis. we have lot of misunderstandings which have been preputuated by leaders and preistly persons on both sides. ////// One must recognise that we have to giver securty to minorities. India a land of securty to all religions whcih have given refuge to Jews, Parsis and many others should not now behave like an enemy to her own past.We have pride to be India and can talk of spirituality because we love all human beiongs but when such foolishness of hate starts,we are at a loss. Has the advanis and group thought that they will cleanse India of all the minorities because if is muslim today, christians will be next and may be down the line sikhs, Jains, Aryasamjai and others. ////// Think pragmatically and think of future of India. Leave 1947 behind as most of us have and settled down in India and feel this our motherland. Leave the religious biasis and this is for all faiths./////// 000000000
