How did Muslims demand Pakistan?

Date: 08 Nov 2006


As the author has correctly written,
Hindus lost to Muslim invaders even
after putting up a brave fight. And
then Bharat was rules by the Brit
barbarians and parts of it by others.
Bharat is no longer Hindu -- hasn't
been so for centuries. The government
is not a Hindu government and true
Hindus are a minority in the
population. Bharat today does not
have what it would take to
successfully combat further
Islamization, Christianization,
Americanization, or terrorism.
Finally, isn't the author's urging
"Let there be no further shrinking of
India" merely wishful thinking at
this point? In my opinion,
unfortunately, the answer is in the

> How did Muslims demand  Pakistan? 
> By J. G.  Arora
>  In the time tested words of Sun Tzu, the celebrated
>  author of The Art of 
> War, "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you
> need  not fear the result of 
> a hundred battles. If you know neither the enemy nor
>  yourself, you will 
> succumb in every battle."  
> India's  refusal to know its enemies has brought
> frequent Pak-Bangla 
> terrorist attacks as  also crores of Pak-Bangla
> infiltrators threatening to create one 
> more Islamic  country on Indian soil. To understand
> the reasons of Pak-Bangla 
> aggression, it  is essential to know how Pakistan
> came into existence. 
>       Entire Indian sub-continent including the 
> present day India, Pakistan, 
> Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan and even a part of 
> Iran was Hindu land with 
> no Muslim presence till Muhammad bin Qasim's Arab
> army  attacked Sindh in 711. 
> Though Hindus fought bravely to defend their
> religion and  motherland, they 
> lost Afghanistan in 987, and suffered the loss of
> millions of  lives and plunder 
> and destruction of thousands of temples during the
> repeated  Muslim invasions 
> for over a thousand years since they never cared to
> know about  their enemy. 
> Muslim League's demand for Pakistan 
>       After Muslim  rule, India was under the
> British from 1857 to 1947 when 
> Muslim League was  formed in 1906. Muslim League
> demanded Pakistan for Muslims 
> in March, 1940. 
>       This is what  Muhammad Ali Jinnah (1876-1948),
> known among Pakistanis 
> as Baba-e-Qaum (father of the nation) and
> Quaid-e-Azam (the great leader), said 
> in  Lahore on 23rd March, 1940 while moving the
> resolution for the creation 
> of  Pakistan:
>       "Hindus  and Muslims belong to two different
> religions, philosophies, 
> social customs, and  literatures. They neither
> inter-marry nor inter-dine 
> together, and indeed they  belong to two different
> civilisations which are based 
> mainly on conflicting  ideas and conceptions. It is
> quite clear that Hindus and 
> Muslims derive their  inspiration from different
> sources of history. They have 
> different epics,  different heroes and different
> episodes. Very often the 
> hero of one is a foe of  the other, and likewise
> their victories and defeats 
> overlap. To yoke together  two such nations under a
> single state, one as a 
> numerical minority and the other  as a majority,
> must lead to growing discontent, and 
> the final destruction of any  fabric that may be so
> built up for the 
> government of such a state." 
>       Further, the  said Pakistan Resolution
> demanded a separate homeland for 
> the Muslims of India  with these words, "….the
> areas in which the Muslims are 
> numerically in a  majority as in the North-Western
> and Eastern zones of India 
> should be grouped to  constitute 'Independent
> States' in which the 
> constituent units shall be  autonomous and
> sovereign." 
> "Direct  Action Day"
>       Though the  Congress party continued its
> policy of Muslim appeasement, 
> it could not dissuade  Muslim League from demanding
> Pakistan for Muslims. In 
> the elections held in  1945-46, Muslims voted for
> the creation of Pakistan. 
>       Muslim league  launched Direct Action Day on
> August 16, 1946 to attain 
> Pakistan. This action  resulted in slaughter of
> thousands of innocents. 
>       Ultimately,  the Congress conceded the demand
> for Pakistan. And 1947 
> saw the shrinking of  Indian boundaries, and
> emergence of Pakistan comprising of 
> West Pakistan (the  present day Pakistan) and East
> Pakistan (the present day 
> Bangladesh). 
>       Most of  Indian Muslims who had demanded
> Pakistan for Muslims and 
> exchange of population  on creation of Pakistan
> stayed back in India; and did not 
> go to Pakistan. 
>       Creation of  Pakistan saw eviction of most of
> Hindus and Sikhs from 
> Pakistan and Bangladesh.  Though Hindus accounted
> for 24 per cent of Pakistan's 
> population in 1947; now  number just one per cent.
> In Bangladesh, Hindus 
> numbered 30 per cent in 1947;  but now number eight
> per cent. However, in India, 
> present percentage of Muslim  population is much
> higher than that in 1947. 
> "Pakistan  Day" 
>       Every year,  23rd of March is celebrated as
> 'Pakistan Day', and is a 
> holiday in Pakistan.  23rd March is central to
> Pakistan's existence. On 23rd 
> march, 1956, Pakistan  (including the present day
> Bangladesh) was declared as an 
> Islamic Republic. East  Pakistan became independent
> as Bangladesh in 1971; and 
> has been declared as an  Islamic Republic in 1988. 
>       Not content  with driving out Hindus and Sikhs
> from Pakistan and 
> Bangladesh, Pak-Bangla  combine wants to create one
> more Islamic country on Indian 
> soil. To achieve this  mission, Pakistan and
> Bangladesh have dispatched 
> countless terrorists and crores  of their nationals
> into India. 
>       March 23,  1940 (Pakistan) resolution
> reproduced above debunks 
> multi-culturalism being  propagated by fake
> secularists, left-liberals and other 
> anti-Hindu forces in  India. The said resolution
> exposes hollowness and falsehood 
> of anti-Hindu  multi-cultural industry. Besides, the
> proponents of 
> multi-culturalism cannot  explain why none of the
> world's 57 Islamic countries including 
> Pakistan and  Bangladesh believes in
> multi-culturalism or in extending equal 
> rights to its  non-Muslim population. 
> Why to  forget history? 
>       As per George  Santayana (1863-1952), "Those
> who do not remember the 
> past are condemned to  repeat it". 
>       Besides being  forgotten, history is also
> being falsified by some 
> sections to paint a rosy  picture of Muslim rule in
> India, and to ignore heroic 
> Hindu resistance to Muslim  invaders. 
>       Though Muslim  League demanded Pakistan as a
> permanent settlement of 
> Hindu-Muslim problem in  the sub-continent, every
> one in India seems to have 
> forgotten the Lahore  resolution of 23rd March, 1940
> demanding Pakistan. And the 
> present Congress-led  UPA government is sharing
> power with Muslim League, and 
> demanding reservation  for Muslims in government
> jobs and educational 
> institutions though there can be  no reservation on
> the basis of religion, and though 
> such reservation for Muslims  in India after the
> creation of Pakistan is 
> untenable. 
>       Though Indian  history echoes with blood and
> terror, no effort to learn 
> from history and  prevent future terrorist attacks
> is being made. 
> Way out 
>       India is  suffering Pak-Bangla demographic
> aggression and terrorism 
> since it has forgotten  how Pakistan had come into
> existence in 1947. 
>       Instead of  persisting with a farcical
> Indo-Pak and Indo-Bangla "peace 
> process", India must  deport crores of Pak-Bangla
> infiltrators and curb their 
> daily influx. Besides,  in keeping with the doctrine
> of "hot pursuit" of 
> international law,  terrorist training network in
> Pakistan and Bangladesh must be 
> smashed; and if  necessary, an all out war launched
> with these hostile  nations.
>       Enemies must  be crushed; not welcomed and
> embraced. Chanakya Niti as 
> also Sun-Tzu's  celebrated 'Art of War', and
> countless episodes of world 
> history  emphasize the crushing of enemies before
> the enemies crush  us.
>       How much more  must India lose before it
> confronts its enemies? India 
> has already shrunk. Let  there be no further
> shrinking of India. 
>       Will India  remember M.A. Jinnah's words
> uttered in Lahore on 23rd 
> March, 1940, and take  pre-emptive action to avoid
> repetition of the events of 
> 1947?