Date: 29 Jul 2010

Comment ////////////// BOOK ON ISLAM://////////////// ////////////// This is bold exposition of Islam. None else but the Hindus ought to be aware of reality about this sworn enemy who shamelessly destroys others' holy places and occupies Bharat's secular tolerant territory to exterminate the original indigenous people and their culture and religion. ///////////// The worst fate of the Hindus is seen by the fact that after conceding (surrendering) vast territories they could not muster guts to EXPEL the lot from the rest of Hindustan. Instead WE got expelled from Pakistan and Bogusdesh where promptly a sectarian, partisan, offensive, provocative and "OBSCENE" Islamic Constitution was IMPOSED on all. //////////// We still live under the terror of Islam. Two martial communities in Bharat are the example. The Sikhs are decimated and their Punjab is broken up into five fragments. A Sikh follows a Italian Catholic female like her poodle. HE FOLLOWS THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE so we can see the rotten quality of the PEOPLE of India who could not even protest at the BREAK UP of India in 1947. ////////////// The Marathas are so demoralized as to tolerate the ban on this book instead of making it COMPULSORY reading in every school and college. The Rajputs have not been heard at all. So far they sit wearing "glass bangles" and have not "taken care of" RAHUL GANDHI as yet. ////////////// By the way, Islam is NO religion but an aggressive, violent, virulent, intolerant, macho POLITICAL IDEOLOGY. A religion teaches one to love even the enemy but an IDEOLOGY divides mankind into "Momin & Kafir" and we have seen how the Kafirs have been treated through CENTURIES by the followers of Mohammed of Mecca. One key element in Islam is DECEPTION. Truly, they DECEIVE the entire mankind by calling it a "religion". ////////////// 29 Jul 10 ==========/////////// ============////////////// Book on Islam Banned, Author's House Raided (Book is available online) // //////////// Book on Islam banned, author's house raided ///////////// Wednesday, July 28, 2010 //////////// Pleased note: This book is available on-line, at: /////////// //////// Forwarded message from Hindu Voice///////////// > Friday, April 6, 2007 >////////// > Press Release/////////// > > Book on Islam banned, author's house raided//////// > > Mumbai, 6th April 2007: Mr. R.V. Bhasin, Advocate, Supreme Court and > a former Air Force Officer, has authored many books on Islam and > Hinduism. The Government of Maharashtra has recently banned one of > his books title d "ISLAM - A Concept of Political World Invasion by > Muslims".//////////// > > Yesterday (5th April 2007), police raided his residence at Colaba and > have confiscated about 1000 copies of the book which was published in > English and Hindi. The raid was conducted by the Marine Drive Police > Station and lasted for nearly four hours, from 11.00 am till 3.00 > p.m, when Mr. Bhasin was away attending some court cases. > ///////////// > In an interview to Hindu Voice correspondent, Mr. Bhasin said that he > is happy that he has been exalted to the position of Salman Rushide > and Taslima Nasreen, by the Maharashtra Government. He, a Supreme > Court Lawyer himself, is determined to fight it out in the court of > law. > /////////// > Mr. Bhasin informed that he will be moving the High Court in Mumbai > within a day or two, praying for returning of his books. The police > raid and the subsequent confiscation of his books are a gross > violation of his fundamental rights, he said. Whether we live in a > free and democratic country, Mr. Bhasin wonders./////////// > > Hindu Voice > Mumbai /////////// End of forwarded message from Hindu Voice//////// ===============/////////// 000000000