Date: 20 Sep 2010


Mohammed Ali JINN, too, went to the "Supreme Court" of the 'time immemorial' (in AUGUST 1946) that was located in NOAKHALI, Bengal, to get his demand for Pakistan accepted by the Hindu STALWART Nehru and MAHATMA Gandhi.///////////////// That ISLAMIC Supreme Court was the "DAGGER" that disemboweled thousands of Hindus and delivered countless women and girls to RAPE & mutilation within days. ////////// Heroism, valor, deeds and teachings of Sri Krishna, Sri Rama, Rani of Jhansi, Shivaji, Guru Gobind Singhji, Banda Bahadur and General Hari Singh Nalwa FAILED to inspire or motivate our great HINDU nation to launch an unforgetable fearsome COUNTER ATTACK. ////////////// Its eternal verdict: "BRUTAL MIGHT IS ALWAYS RIGHT!" saw the hope of Pakistan promptly fulfilled. The LARGEST Islamic State on earth was created without even a pistol being fired while the brave, professional, well trained and well disciplined invincible Indian ARMY looked on helplessly like "eunuchs", confined to their barracks. We saw the city founded by LUV (LAHORE) and the one where Prahlad grew up (MULTAN) BURNING./////////////// The question is: "How long can the SHEEP stand in the way of the WOLVES?"///////////// The verdict of any High Court and the Supreme Court in PARTITIONED India, in the tight grip of "Italy, Islam and DYNASTY", is a foregone conclusion. //////////////// 20 Sep 10 ======== In a message dated 20/09/2010 09:06:58 GMT Standard Time, XXXXXXX.com writes: Let us hope that the court at least will consider the whole facts and evidences produced. ===================== On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 > The author of the article says: "But none had evidence to prove that a standing temple was destroyed in 1528." Negationism at its despicable high. =========================== 0000000000