Date: 22 Mar 2011

Comment \\\\\\\\\\\\\ For the last over 2500 yrs. Hindus have been given an over-dose of Ahinsa and all the so-called guardians of Dharma have been teaching half truths to us in all sermons, lectures, in class rooms etc. you name it.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ From Mahabir to Buddha to Mohan das K. Gandhi to present day they have taught half truth to peope of Bharat- Hindusthan- India and now partitioned- truncated India. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The half truth is Ahinsa Parmo dharmah. This is half truth. I asked many scholars and they were all shouting in all the meetings, lecture theaters "AHINSA PAMO DHARMAH" but I never believed this half truth because Rishis could not have taught the half truth.\\\\\\\\\\\\\ One day I found the whole truth and complete Sutra and whole saying is "AHINSA PAMODHARMAH DHARMA HINSA TATHAIVAHAH," that means that non-violence is a great principle to follow but righteous violence is equally good or even superior to non violence when you protect your mother, motherland and honour against evil and evil doers.\\\\\\\\\\\\ The tragedy with Hindu leaders is that they are teaching half truth and as a result Hindus are losing on all fronts despite being in majority but this majority will not last for ever . \\\\\\\\Hindua are finished in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan and are in minority in Nagaland, Kerala and in Pakistans, and are even fast diminishing in parts of partitined India. =============================== 000000000