Date: 16 Apr 2011


In a message dated 16/04/2011 10:06:34 GMT Standard Time, XXXXXXXX.com writes:\\\\\\\ The Census in India has been accomplished and some figures regarding total population and its ratio of increase, sex-ratio etc. have also been provided to the public.\\\\\\\\ As has been the practice, particularly since the last census, figures about religious communities have been withheld and when these are declared, they are twisted and "Corrigenda" after corrigendum follows\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\ There is a visible hint that Muslim Population in India has considerably increased proportionately as compared with Sikh, Hindu and other faiths, but secularists agenda is inhibiting the exposure of the truth. \\\\\\\\\ The turncated India, shrinking India is unfortunately being deHinduised! 000000000