Date: 08 Jun 2011


The Death of Democracy and Human Rights in India \\\\\\\\\\\ India, the largest democracy of the world has experienced the darkest night in the history of its evolution on Sunday, 5th of June 2011 at 1.00am. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Thousands of innocent civilians sleeping during their peaceful Satyagraha (peaceful fast) in the Ram Lila Maidan in New Delhi fighting against the rampant corruption, black money in the economy and various other burning issues of the society, were brutally beaten by the police on the direction of the Government of India and the State Government of New Delhi. Both are ruled by the Congress Party of India. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ Spiritual leader Swami Ramdevji representing the voice of the common man of the country in this peaceful agitation against the Government’s policies to support corruption was on his first day of the fast unto death and was very inhumanly treated by the police and the authorities. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Swami Ramdev was arrested and then nine hours later was escorted to the Patanjali Yog Peeth Ashram in Haridwar on condition that he does not return to Delhi for 14 days. The police ignoring all the laws under the constitution of Indian to protect citizens of the country, fired bullets and tear gas bombs on the activists and on Swami Ramdev. There was no prior formal notice or warning given to evacuate the place while they were sleeping after a day-long fast. People including women, children, and senior citizens were seriously injured and many of them are in the emergency care units in several hospitals of New Delhi. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The barbarian use of power on the innocent people should be considered as the most heinous crime by the authorities which is supervised by the ruling Congress Party of India. This is unlawful and against the Human rights and the fundamental rights of the citizens of India and a serious threat to the world biggest democracy. \\\\\\\\\\\\ The people who had come from villages, towns and various long distances were asked to leave the grounds immediately, at 2:00am in the morning. This cannot be a Democratic India; this cannot be Mahatma Gandhi’s India; this is not India governed by of rule of law and a democratic constitution, ensuring the fundamental rights of all. \\\\\\\\\\ These cruel actions reminded us of the days of the 1975 emergency. Unfortunately, these brutalities were committed upon unarmed and resting people within close proximity of the Mahatma Gandhi Samadhi. \\\\\\\\\\ We, the people of Indian Origin all over the world are deeply depressed, embarrassed and pained by this vulgar display of naked power. No justification of any kind can condone these vicious actions. \\\\\\\\\\\ The Indian Diaspora condemns it. We urge everybody to join in the movement to restore democracy and civility in India. Let us be united in expressing our disgust and anger about the death of democracy and human rights within the country. We hope Baba Ramdev Ji is not further harmed in any way. \\\\\\\\\\\ We therefore request you to intervene in this situation and force the Government of India on the grounds of Human rights to immediately place sincere apology to the citizens of India and to world respected Saint Baba Ramdev. \\\\\\\\\\\\ Please write a letter or Email to your local MP and also to the Indian High Commission addressing your concerns as a Non Resident Indian (NRI), who is deeply worried for our fellow brothers and sisters in India or alternatively you can email the Indian High Commission on \\\\\\\\\\ 000000000 \