Date: 20/05/2014

For the first time in living memory a true leader of Hindusthan has emerged.
What a contrast from the previous bandits and robbers who surrendered the country, broke up the States into pieces, incited one section against the other, created frustration and dismay and brought families to starvation and poverty and twisted the Education to serve their purposes and erected statues and samadhais of the most useless despicable "leaders".
From now onweards it is not the same enslaved Hindusthan but a new sovereign, self reliant, vibrant, dynamic and spiritual Hindusthan where men will have dignity and girls will be safe from Mohammedan predators.

It will be the Hindusthan where bribes and commissions will be regarded sin and not a source of acquiring wealth and individual bank balances.
The days of scams are over. Clean administration and justice for all will bring securty and real joy to all.

Everyone is to be congratulted who wished Shri Modi replace the Italian Mafia and Dirty Dynasty.

Bharat's day has come. Bharat has got to move on.


In a message dated 20/05/2014 15:31:53 GMT Daylight Time, XXXXXXXXXXXX writes:



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From: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDate: 20 May 2014 15:23

Subject: RE: Modi's first speech in central hall of parliament

When a true patriot speaks even the enemy regrets for his/her unpatriotic deeds, especially a self centered leader in the society. Modi was not only communicating to so many crooks sitting next to him or in front of him but to those who hated him most. I can only imagine who among all his enemy might have shed a drop of tears from corner of his/her eyes? The camera moving in the central hall of Indian parliament did capture few faces, some prominent faces but I wish the camera would have been every places to capture the emotions of 1.25 crores people in India and millions listening outside India.

Indeed, it was quite a moving moment for all who has believed in Narendra Damodardas Modi. I am sure crook Advani must have melted inside because it was his remarks that inspired Modi to utter what has now become the "New Gold Standard" for politicians not only in India but throughout the world. One can ask, was Nehru had such emotions for India? Did any of Nehru heirs ever exemplified such notion for India and Indians they ruled? Did Sonia and her corrupt gang ever showed such desire to serve the nation? The answer is no. All these years many people in India and abroad who desired to simply defeat congress party and particularly Sonia, were ridiculed by self-centered, anti-Hindus and most of all anti-Bharatiya.
Date: Tue, 20 May 2014 08:49:25 -0400
Subject: Modi's first speech in central hall of parliament: Whole nation became emotional

This is a speech the entire nation will remember for decades. NaMo became emotional and wept for a moment, that made the entire nation also cry. Please watch the episode that made him cry. This is how a true son of India really behaves. Such leaders are born in centuries. Please watch his speech again and again, and you will also be inspired and may cry, I did. He is a true Indian and a son of soil, who even at such a high position does not forget his humble origin, his sanskaars learnt from his biological mother, motherIndia and political mother - BJP. We all are proud of India. He will definitely fulfill the dreams of 125 crores of Indians.
