Date: 05/03/2015


The leading daily in the United Kingdom, THE TIMES, has published a letter against the MUSLIM gangs targeting Hindu and Sikh girls, mostly teenagers and minor, in addition to the White British girls.

Up to now the police and social services in the UK have been calling the sexual predators "members of ASIAN community" instead of calling spade a spade due to the "sword" of "political correctness" hanging overhead. Now the Non Muslims want to see the word MUSLIM mentioned without fear.

At last the Prime Minister, David Cameron, , too, has taken a serious note of the "Mohammedan Vice" and promised strict action against the criminals.

Here is the article as well as the LETTER published in THE TIMES, London, today, 5th of March, 2015.

We ask all Hindu and Sikh organisations and civic bodies in Bharat to be brave and feel encouraged to notice and promptly act in case any Hindu or Sikh girl is targeted by the sex mad followers of the "MOHAMMED OF DESERT". Who will teach the savages that "the rape of a Hindu girl by a Muslim is EQUAL to the rape of a Muslim girl by a Hindu"?

We also wish to ENCOURAGE the cowardly SELF-NEGATING Hindus in Hindusthan to insist on every Muslim groom embracing the (Hindu or Sikh) religion of the bride prior to their wedding.

Henceforth in Hindusthan NO Hindu or Sikh daughter (bride) of loving parents should be subjected to the INSULT & HUMILIATION of sitting before a Maulvi or Mullah to recite the "kalima" from KORAN.

We ought to recall the MILLIONS who refused to submit to the "savages" from the desert, and laid down their lives in defiance. Today (2015) the whole world is watching their "culture and civilisation" (as we see them in ISIL, murdering the Christians and the Yazidis, and beheading the journalists and the aid workers, and raping and selling the captured women).

The result of NOT DOING SO will be the same despicable FLAG and the same "Hindu Killer" ruling dynasty (Islamic State) once again in DELHI that were blasted out of existence in 1857 AD.

Please read the letter in The Times", London (Below) and give widest publicity.


THE TIMES, London, March 5, 2015.


Andrew Norfolk, chief Investigative reporter

Young Sikh and Hindu girls in Britain are as vulnerable as white children to “predatory grooming by members of the Muslim community”, faith groups claimed last night.

The accusation follows a report on a street grooming scandal in Oxford which called this week for a national debate on the over-representation of men from “a mainly Muslim culture” among child-sex offender groups. The conclusion triggered outrage from Muslims and Islamic groups.

Their anger is likely to be fuelled by claims, made in a letter to The Times from Sikh and Hindu organisations, that sex-grooming gangs “predominantly originate from a Pakistani Muslim community while their young victims are almost always of a white, Hindu or Sikh background”.

The letter calls on the prime minister to “tackle head-on why so many young Muslims in the UK have this disrespectful attitude towards women in other communities”.

Seven men were convicted at the Old Bailey in 2013 of multiple sex offences against six Oxford girls aged from 11 to 15. Children were subjected to such horrific and degrading violence that much of the detail was unreportable.

Five of the Oxford offenders were of Pakistani origin, as were most of the men found guilty in recent years of group street-grooming crimes in towns and cities including Rotherham, Rochdale, Derby, Telford and Birmingham.

Ashish Joshi, of the Sikh Media Monitoring group, claimed that cultural and religious attitudes within some sections of the Muslim community played a significant role in the targeting of victims.

“They have a prejudicial view of non-Muslim girls because they see them as cheap sexual playthings. Girls from their own community are rarely targeted.”

Mr Joshi’s views, and the Oxford report’s reference to “Muslim culture”, were strongly criticised yesterday by Alyas Karmani, an Islamic cleric and Bradford councillor. He said that such claims undermined vital work to challenge sexual violence and exploitation within all communities. “Equating such sex offending to religion is false. This is about cultural misogyny, criminality and negative masculinity, factors which are not unique to any faith. Sexual violence is a global epidemic.”

Akbar Khan, chairman of Building Bridges, a Luton project that promotes racial harmony and integration, suggested white British society needed to examine its own “liberal values” and “very lax attitudes to underage sex”.

Parents who failed to act as role models for their children were “equally if not more responsible “for the harm caused to vulnerable young teenagers by grooming gangs. “Religion should not be dragged into this. I condemn the criminals responsible but their action should not be seen as a reflection of the whole community.”


LETTERS, THE TIMES, London, March 5, 2015. P. 29.


Sir, For many years political correctness has led to the identity of the community involved in the sexual grooming of children and young women in the UK being described as Asian rather than Muslim. We are consequently encouraged to hear the prime minister’s assertion that “a warped sense of political correctness” will not stifle attempts to fight these crimes- which he now classes as a “national threat”.

Sikh and Hindu communities have for decades been at the receiving end of predatory grooming by members of the Muslim community and have for some time been campaigning in the UK for the recognition that there seems to be a clear pattern emerging in recent high-profile sexual grooming gang cases. This pattern clearly highlights that these gangs seem to predominantly originate from a Pakistani Muslim community, while their victims are almost always of a white, Hindu or Sikh background.

We urge the prime minister to tackle head-on why so many young Muslims in the UK have this disrespectful attitude towards women in other communities, and to urgently engage with the leaders of the Muslim community to find answers to a problem that demeans women, does incalculable damage to interfaith harmony and harms the public perception of members of the Muslim community.

LORD SINGH OF WIMBLEDON, Network of Sikh Organisations (UK), ANIL BHANOT, Hindu Council (UK), ASHISH JOSHI, Sikh Media Monitoring Group (UK), MOHAN SINGH KHALSA, Sikh Awareness Society (UK)
