Date: 29/03/2022

Tue, 29 Mar 2022 18:02
Shriharsha Sharma (
To:you + 39 more Details

Most Dangerous and final deadly attack to eradicate Hindus in Hindusthan by Sonia Gandhi,Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh ,Indian National Congress and its allies the communists, Muslims and Christians during 2005 and 2011-13.Congress Party rule IN India . she was so determined to pass this bill with allies[ U.P.A.] that it will cripple Hindus so much that they would be in history books only. This bill was so deadly that everything attached to word Hindu will die slowly and with constant humiliation and pain without any help whatsoever from any where and India will be Hindu Mukta like Pakistan , Bangladesh and Afghanistan so can be declared an Islamic country.

Muslims have taken 1200 years to divide Hindusthan in three parts west Pakistan[ Pakistan ], East Pakistan[ Bangladesh ] and Partitioned India . Congress is ready to Islamise/ Christianise, the Hindus of partitioned India within seventy five years of independence by bringing The Communal Violence Bill. Sonia Miano Gandhi- Khan tried her best three times during 2011-2013 to pass the Communal Violence Bill in the Lok Sabha but Bharatiya Janta Party and NDA opposed this bill very strongly due to this congress with UPA could not pass this bill otherwise Hindus had no future in Hindusthan. Hindus would have become not only slave but would have been converted to Islam and Christianity with this most dangerous and deadly bill of Sonia Maino Gandhi- Khan, a curse to Hindus and everything attached this vast and most ancient culture and land of Ram.Krishna, Shiva ,Buddha, Mahavir, Puranas, Ganga, Gayatri and Vedas. .

Hindus must circulate this precise details to all Hindus that if Sonia comes in power again with anti Hindu and anti Hindusthan Congress and its allies then there will be no future for Hindus so they must not vote congress for their own end .

What was this communal violence bill ?


Short answer is hanging till death for Hindus by Congress under Sonia Antonio Maino Gandhi Khan and Manmohan Singh . This was an anti Hindu Bill to keep Hindus as slave for ever or as result convert them into Islam to make India a Hindu Mukt country as they have done in Pakistan ,Afghanistan and Bangladesh Hindus almost all been converted to Islam .

The details of the bill are horrible and you will suffer from nightmares with its details

The bill is so bad that you would wish to be dead before it was implemented but it is not easy to commit suicide. This was the most shameful and horrific conspiracy against 1000000000[ One Hundred karore Hindus] by Sonia under Priminister Sardar Manmohan Singh who neither is Singh nor Sardar the most coward and worst P.M. of India. How could they think ,plan and draft a bill like this to finish more than one billion Hindus by slow and painful death.

This was designed to humiliate Hindu daughters and daughter in laws in front of the family by Muslims with greater immunities. Congress party moved this bill twice first in 2005and then again in 2011 but Bharatiya Janta Party leaders opposed this bill with their entire skill and strength and Sonia ‘s Congress Party failed to get it through.

Narendra Bhai Modi as C.M. of Gujarat also opposed the bill because it was beyond the limits of central government and against Hindus .

I am sure more than 96 % of Hindus do not know about this bill because they are not interested in politics except to earn money and they say that they have got no time for politics and this is the height of foolishness on the part of majority of Hindus .Why ? why?why? Because Hindus are sleeping and they can be bought with money easily. A disgrace and shame on Hindus who value more onions and potato and can be easily purchased for votes.

Sonia ‘s special team also called National Advisory Council /NAC consisting of more than a dozen members also called urban Naxales prepared this bill and they claimed that by this would control all the riots, and big law and order problems in the entire country .

Some details of the bill------------


[1]This bill was to appease, support and make the minorities strong in every possible manner so that in any dispute there cannot be a Hindu judge in the chair.

[ 2] Any member of the minority if claims that he is the victim due to any discrimination by a member of Hindu community then police was empowered to arrest him without evidence .The police could put him in the jail. In such case the judge would be from the minority community as well .

[3] No member of the Hindu community could complain against the member of the minority community about any riots, destruction of properties, setting fires etcs to police .

[4]Any member of minority community could register a case against a Hindu for violence, setting fire,murder without any evidence. The member of the Hindu community has to prove that he is innocent .

[5] In any riots any loss suffered by minority must be compensated by the majority community means Hindus have to pay for the loss of property.

[6] If there is a spare room in the house of a Hindu family and a Muslim needs the accommodation then the Hindu family cannot refuge and he can complain that he did not get the accommodation because he was Muslim .

[7] A If a Hindu makes any complain then he could be arrested Hindu cannot complain against a Muslim if he had misbehaved with any Hindu female .

[8]If any riots occur any area let it by Muslim majority area but case can only be filed against adult Hindus. There will be investigation and the case would be heared by a Muslim judge only .

[9] If there is a rape of a Hindu minor girl or a Hindu female in the area s of riots then it will not be registered as rape .If any Hindu goes to police for F I R then the Hindu will be charged for the conspiracy to create hatred in the community .

[10] Police could arrest any Hindu without telling him about the reason because there is a provision that name of the member of minority has to be kept secret .

[11] The majority Hindus must take a NO OBJECTION CETIFICATE [ N O C ] from the minority community for the celebration of Hindu festival in the area .

This is most unfortunate to see that India is the only country where former invaders and rulers Muslims from middle east[ converted Hindus ] and Christian [from Europe ] have remained [Hindu converted ] in Hindusthan in sufficient number and enjoying the status of minorities with more rights and privileges at the cost of majority Hindus.
This must end because their loyalty lies not with India but away from India[ Mecca and Vatican ] and biggest draw back in the unity of the country. They are in dispute with Hindus, all the time because Muslims and Christians are always converting Hindus to Islam and Christianity for centuries.

This bill was the worst bill ever drafted by any political party in this 21st. century in a democratic country .This bill was worse than a hell for all Hindus.This must be known to all Hindus so that congress is banned in Hindusthan.This proves that Sonia Congress and its allies are anti Hindus everything it stands for .

Having known the dangerous plan and mind set of Sonia, Congress party and its allies if any Hindu joins the Congress party then he is making a grave mistake for his life and his/her children”s lives and lives of all the Hindus which will lead to the Islamisation of whole of Hindusthan and there would ‘t be any life for Hindus which can be seen in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

This awareness about the bill must be known to all Hindus .


Vande Mataram is the National Song of Hindusthan. This was witten by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay in 1870.Later on he included this Heet in his novel Anand Math in 1882. Later on this Geet was sung by Ravindra Nath Tagore in the Indian
