Date: 02/06/2013

"I don't have any friends. Look at the peacock, the squirrel and the deer. People love to see them and wish to stroke, pat and feed them. None comes near me." moaned the Beduine called Mohammed.

"You just have to dump the snake in the shape of your Koran. Then you will see how popular you become," said the Hindu.

The Muslims are NOT happy! They're not happy in Gaza, they're not happy in Egypt, they're not happy in Libya, they're not happy in Morocco, they're not happy in Iran, they're not happy in Iraq, they're not happy in Yemen, they're not happy in Nigeria, they're not happy in Afghanistan, they're not happy in Pakistan, they're not happy in Syria, they're not happy in Lebanon.

So, where ARE they happy? They're happy in Australia, they're happy in Canada, they're happy in England, they're happy in France, they're happy in Italy, they're happy in Germany, they're happy in Sweden, they're happy in the USA, they're happy in Norway, they're happy in Holland, they're happy in Denmark.

Basically, they're happy in every country that is not Muslim and unhappy in every country that is! And WHO do they blame? Not Islam. Not their leadership. Not themselves. They blame the countries they ARE happy in. And then they want to change those countries into the country they come from where they are not happy!

Can someone, ANYONE, explain this to me.
