Army reform in INDIA

Date: 26/07/2022

We are heading to sound death knell of profession of arms demolish foundation of Indian Army built on it . Agnipath only a beginning actually bears character of globalism making inroads into cultural domain of agrarian society which is our feeder of soldiery since ages. Will remain so till we change from civilizational to industrial society illusionary for the preset; not to be misled by GDP postings . Gobalism aims at taking control of movement and use of human resources to serve select global interest. That said PM much fan of globalism could not have envisioned on his own such a win win transformation of military systemic as being drummed by Chiefs ! Indeed our political class is quite dumb about matters military , most wouldn’t know which end of the barrel shot leaves the gun literally and metaphorically even pass rude remarks on soldiers taking them for granted as for example cleaning tourist litter ! Should have stint in forces to qualify as law makers which won’t happen anyway. Instead those who know about military matters seem to forget them on becoming politicians to outdo the latter . One therefore cannot blunder that this conundrum is brain child of our own making to dance to political tune . Or why should NSA a police flag bearer jump into fray in a matter beyond his comprehension which forfeits his moral authority to pass judgment on it. Evidence is that the scheme has hallmarks of the late CDS a page from his transformation posit since he had some revolutionary ideas. Such as “ India needs to go on anti terrorism spree like US did after 9/11” , ‘ cut cadre and restructure” etc which faced much opposition within must be examined and brought to light . Obviously when looking for role in asymmetric warfare on American model which has itself collapsed , while our thrust should be elsewhere not running around the globe looking for terrorists in partnership with Americans supposedly . Instead trim and temper own institution consistent with our interest and geopolitical realty . The transformation template thus seems flawed in basic postulate as tell tale signs give away . Be it so, we only fired a shot in own foot by targeting and abandoning long tested criteria of goodness of fit of a soldier . Reckoned on all round comprehensive inputs to provide an index of his reliability in battle, which is the key stone of our military integrity must not be chipped off . To validate how would late CDS have reacted when commanding his Gurkhas and told to accept Agnipath reinforcements in battle many of these on brink of completing their contract and not willing any more . He or any in his position would surely have rejected such a draft . So why have double standards even in matters which involve lives of men and nations security. The problem is not the soldier but crisis in leadership which ails our military . Trimming manpower and cadre review are ongoing processes but must not at cst of primary tendon the jawan not take him to alter as sacrificial lamb to accrue saving. Can be done better by examining structures per say without chipping off key stones of structures . Dabble with numbers in terms of units , troops equipage etc but not violate the human goodness of fit criteria . By fielding superior manpower we can always enjoy edge over any adversity technology as backup not slave of it . This scheme should be rolled back not only for its military incompatibility but also the socio economic fallout with attendant distrust in system , dislocation and disaffection in rural society . Not an easy mission with obduracy in PTB and our own collusive element in higher ranks of leadership aware it’s not going to face the moment of truth in battle . Let us do our bit ror them by rallying to reach as many in important portfolios as possible. PM , CMs , military heads political leaders expose them to the wider ramifications of the scheme in best possible way . It is pressing that Chiefs must restore their writ on own domain which has been lost over a time to cave to political correctness giving way to police to assert and have its way . Contrast with functioning of the foreign ministry. It asserts and has its way with success, foreign policy de facto Jaishankar policy PM caving in or we would be in pluck in American camp .

