Date: 20/06/2013

The Editor
National and International Media

Sub:- Geelani over-banking on fast-waning lack of patriotism of Indians

Ref:- (i)- Contemporary India is not the India of past with
propagandist debilitating historical baggage

(ii)- We will mobilize ~ 1.2 million POK Refugees (and Lakhs of DKP) &
others based in Jammu region to launch political party and news paper
in J&K.

(iii)- This “JK Unification Party” (JKUP) shall be launched from last
week of June and will contest 2014 J&K elections too.

(iv)- JKUP will see to it through Court injunction that Government of
India (GOI) does not talk to any separatist or to Pakistan about
Kashmir (except about retrieve of POK).

(v)- JKUP will expose the thus-far unpatriotic policies of NC, PDP,
Congress, BJP etc which compromised territorial integrity of India.

(vi)- JKUP will also expose GOI’s responsibility and even complicity
in promoting martial deficiency, responsible for Kashmir problem.

(vii)- In gory environment of J&K, it is hoped that NC, PDP, Congress,
BJP etc will not prove to be bad losers through 2014 J&K elections.

(viii)- Geelani Saheb, make no mistake, we are joined in battle over
protecting the territorial integrity of India.

Dear Sir

Media has reported on June 19, 2013 that ‘Geelani Gives Credit Of
Resistance Movement To Educated Youth’ by quoting Chairman Hurriyat
Conference(G) Syed Ali Geelani saying that – “[Our young intellectuals
have conveyed in a dignified and peaceful manner to Chief Justice and
other participants that India has no legal or moral right to occupy
the state of Jammu & Kashmir, as students and faculty members of
Kashmir University’s Law department did not stood up when the national
anthem was played]”. But Geelani is living in his make believe world
and is over-banking on fast waning lack of patriotism of Indians as
given below:-

(1)- First of all it should be clear to all Indians that martial
matters belong to Union (entire India) whereas civilian matters to
States. Therefore every Indian has not only duty but also right to
intervene whenever or wherever there is a martial problem / deficiency
(like J&K problem and terrorism as its fall-out, millions of
infiltrators in N-E from Bangladesh with gory implications, Naxalite
terrorism infesting one third territory of India and these three
causing massive human right violations and humiliating border dispute
with China). Therefore some ill-informed and misguided people of J&K
should remove from their mind that rest of India has no locus-standi
on Kashmir problem.

(2)- Moreover contemporary confident India is not the India of past
with propagandist debilitating historical baggage where it allowed
Government of India (GOI) / J&K and the leaders of political parties
of J&K (NC, PDP, Congress, BJP etc) to talk with separatists and with
Pakistan in a way which questioned the territorial integrity of India.
The contemporary India believes that after Pakistan refused to vacate
POK in 1948 (a precondition for Plebiscite under UN resolution), India
is under obligation as per international law to retrieve POK
militarily (as Pakistan did many times in 1947, 1948, 1965, 1971,
during Kargil and through on-going proxy war).

(3)- Therefore contemporary India will see to it that territorial
integrity of India is protected and POK is retrieved militarily. As
far talks of separation by Separatists Geelani etc they have every
right under constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech. Now days in
legendary democracies like USA etc their citizens make underwear out
of national flag and wear it publicly and even burn national flag
publicly but their governments do not punish them or stop them. Now
days to what extent freedom of expression has gone in democratic world
is further evident from UN summit where last year Obama refused to ban
an US Film which showed Prophet Mohammed in bad light and which caused
death of over 100 Muslims in riots all over world, including in J&K.

(4)- Therefore Geelani and other Separatists have all the fundamental
right to air their views (including about separation) and GOI or
Government of J&K should not indulge in unnecessary schizophrenia and
should not put Geelani under house arrest. But government in no
democratic country do some thing which questions the territorial
integrity of these democratic countries (as India objectionably has
been doing due to lack of patriotism where it was talking to
Separatists and Pakistan about Kashmir and plebiscite, self
determination etc).

(5)- As far Geelani’s delusion that the youth of J&K support
separation, it should be remembered that once GOI stop talking to
Separatist and Pakistan about Kashmir (and talk only about retrieve of
POK), it will be difficult for Separatists (Geelani etc) to get even
handful of people around them. This is the challenge we accepted when
I was in Srinagar in third week of May, 2013. Though JKYDF
dissociated from me & from the program but that does not mean that the
following program, to suit the situation, is dropped:-

(i)- Getting writ petition filed in J&K High Court at Jammu (ii)-
Arranging Press Conference at Jammu immediately after filing said Writ
petition (iii)- Mobilizing 1,500 to 2,000 persons before J&K High
Court Jammu on the day of admission-arguments in support of writ
petition (iv)- Filing supplementary petition in High Court Jammu to
restrain GOI from talking about Kashmir with Pakistan and or with any
separatist (except talk about retrieve of POK) (v)- Arranging public
meeting at Jammu in July, 2013 for rehabilitation of DKP in time
bound program of one year with the help of protector-companion who
will mostly be POK Refugees (POKR) (vi)- Launching website and
membership drive from all over J&K, also to get protector-companions
for DKP during their rehabilitation (vii)- Arranging an Advocate for
SPO to file the petition in J&K High Court Jammu so that post of SPO
can be eliminated eventually, by preferential treatment (100 %) to
them in Police recruitment (viii)- Opening manned office of JKUP all
over J&K especially for redress of human rights related problems of
the people.

(6)- The said writ petition (PIL) will be filed by JKUP in Jammu High
Court in which following prayers will be there in view of two
principal pleadings that – “[(A)- Military is showing ‘bravery’ on
Indian citizens in J&K (even through Armed Forces Special Power Act,
AFSPA) but has no courage to take POK militarily, though Pakistan 1/6
th of India’s size tried so many times to snatch J&K forcefully from
India and (B)- This along with unchecked infiltration of terrorists
from Pakistan have resulted in militancy / terrorism in J&K]”:-

(i)- Government of India (GOI) should be asked by Court that (A)- why
during these 65 years POK was not retrieved militarily (B)- how much
more time will be taken before discharging mandatory duty of
retrieving POK (C)- when military and para – military forces shall be
removed from civilian areas of J&K (D)- when AFSPA shall be repealed
in J&K. (ii)- J&K Government (which is sharing the burden of
deployment of armed forces in J&K) should be asked by Court that when
will it move Union Government (A)- To take POK militarily (B)- To
remove military and para – military forces from civilian areas of J&K
and (C)- To repeal AFSPA in J&K.

(7)- I have already planned my visit to J&K in last week of this June
where I shall stay in rented accommodation in Jammu region (and later
in Srinagar region too) till Kashmir problem is solved. This time we
will initiate our mission from Jammu region (in place of Kashmir
region and then we will move to Kashmir region) and we will mobilize
reported ~ 1.2 million POK Refugees (and Lakhs of Displaced Kashmir
Pundits, DKP) and others based in Jammu region to launch political
party in J&K in last week of this June [‘JK Unification Party’ (JKUP)
with agenda for the unification of J&K by retrieving POK] and news
paper (in English, Urdu and Hindi) in J&K to promote the programs and
policies of JKUP and ideology of “Joint – capitalism” where private
capital and State capital (born out of fiscal deficit and deployed in
profitable ventures and programs as is done for private capital) )
shall run the Indian economy jointly.

(8)- Unlike separatists we shall not shun the people of J&K in
electoral battle and rather JKUP will contest 2014 J&K elections too,
where JKUP will expose the thus-far unpatriotic policies of NC, PDP,
Congress, BJP etc who have been compromising on territorial integrity
of India with the complicity of GOI which has promoted martial
deficiency and is mainly responsible for Kashmir problem. In gory
environment of J&K, it is hoped that NC, PDP, Congress, BJP etc will
not prove to be bad losers through 2014 J&K elections.

Therefore Geelani Saheb, make no mistake about it, we are already
joined in thick battle over protection of the territorial integrity of

Yours truly

Hem Raj Jain

(Author of “Betrayal of Americanism”